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Koncert Castle Singers and Kammerstreicher

09.05.2024..20:00 - 21:30



U Dubrovnik stiže Castle Singers and Kammerstreicher iz SAD-a koji će u sklopu međunarodne turneje počastiti posjetitelje kazališta jednim zanimljivim koncertom.

Smješten u Waverlyju (SAD), Iowa Kammerstreicher jedan je od četiri ansambla Wartburg Collegea na nacionalnoj i međunarodnoj turneji. Ime je posveta Wartburgovom bogatom njemačkom nasljeđu – Kammerstreicher znači “komorni gudači” – a također proizlazi iz želje grupe da preoblikuje očekivanja o tome što komorni orkestar može biti i raditi.

Misija Kammerstreichera je pružiti smislena estetska iskustva članovima i publici. To uključuje izvođenje širokog spektra repertoara i uključivanje zajednice kroz obrazovne klinike, nastupe i širenje. Članovi ansambla služe kao dinamični vođe unutar koledža, često sudjelujući na godišnjem Meistersinger Honor String Festivalu i Meistersinger Chamber String ampu. Kammerstreicher svake godine nastupa u sklopu koncerta Božić s Wartburgom i svake godine održava koncertne turneje, s međunarodnim putovanjem svake tri godine.

Trenutno ansambl kreće na 21-dnevnu turneju diljem Europe, nastupajući u Eisenachu, Pragu, Beču, Ljubljani, Splitu, Dubrovniku i Londonu. Vrhunci izvedbe uključivat će američka djela Gershwina, Clarkea, Stilla, Pricea i Whitacrea, uz izvedbu svjetske premijere pod nazivom “ Song Without Words” skladateljice sa srednjeg zapada Kriste Vásquez-Connelly.

Ansamblom će dirigirati dr. Rebecca Nederhiser.

Rebecca Nederhiser je strastvena dirigentica, znanstvenica i oboistica. Uz Kammerstreichera, također vodi Wartburg Community Symphony i predaje teoriju glazbe, obou i dirigiranje na Wartburg Collegeu. Kao dirigentica stvara tradiciju koja privlači zajednicu kroz inovativne koncerte, glazbene potpore i više umjetničkih medija.

Kao solist na violi nastupit će dr. Gabriel Forero. Podrijetlom iz Bogote, Kolumbija, Gabriel je aktivan solo, komorni, orkestralni i barokni izvođač. Održao je koncerte i recitale u Sjedinjenim Državama, Kolumbiji, Peruu, Brazilu i Španjolskoj. Aktivno nastupa s raznim orkestrima i komornim ansamblima uglavnom na području Nebraske i Iowe.


Nestled in Waverly, Iowa Kammerstreicher is one of four nationally and internationally touring ensembles at Wartburg College. The name is a nod to Wartburg’s rich German heritage—Kammerstreicher means “chamber strings”—and also stems from a desire of the group to reshape expectations for what a chamber orchestra can be and do.

The mission of Kammerstreicher is to provide meaningful aesthetic experiences for members and audiences alike. This includes performing a wide variety of repertoire  and engaging the community through educational clinics, performances, and outreach. Ensemble members serve as dynamic leaders within the college, often participating within the annual Meistersinger Honor String Festival and Meistersinger Chamber String Camp. Kammerstreicher performs yearly within the Christmas with Wartburg concert and gives concert tours annually, with international travel every three years.

Currently the ensemble is embarking on a 21-day tour throughout Europe, performing in Eisenach, Prague, Vienna, Ljubljana, Split, Dubrovnik and London. Performance highlights will include American works by Gershwin, Clarke, Still, Price, and Whitacre, with a world premiere commission entitled “Song Without Words” by Midwest composer Krista Vásquez-Connelly.

Dr. Rebecca Nederhiser, conductor

Rebecca Nederhiser is a passionate conductor, scholar, and oboist. In addition to Kammerstreicher, Nederhiser also leads the Wartburg Community Symphony and teaches music theory, oboe, and conducting at Wartburg College. As a conductor, Nederhiser creates community-engaging traditions through innovative concerts, grant writing, and multiple art mediums.

Dr. Gabriel Forero; guest soloist (viola)

Originally from Bogotá, Colombia, Gabriel is an active solo, chamber, orchestral and Baroque performer. He has presented concerts and recitals in the United States, Colombia, Peru, Brazil and Spain. He actively performs with various orchestras and chamber ensembles mainly in the Nebraska and Iowa areas.


Lauren Spavelko: Grit

Norman Della Gijo: Three Dances with Strings

Gershwin Lullaby for Strings

Still: Congas y panama

Florence Price: Adoration

Eric Whitacre: October

Elgar: Serenade for Strings

Gershwin: American in Paris (sting arrangement)

Krista Vásquez-Connelly: Song Without Words (World Premiere) commissioned for 10 year anniversary

Combined: (tentatively)

Mass works by Ola Gjelo and Elaine Hegenberg


20:00 - 21:30


Kazalište Marina Držića
(020) 321-088‎


Kazalište Marina Držića
DUBROVNIK, Dubrovačko - neretvanska županija 20000 Croatia (Local Name: Hrvatska) + Google Mapa
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